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Driving Tips
Everything you need to know about driving your favourite car.

Car Maintenance 101: What Are My Responsibilities When Leasing A Car?
Leasing can offer a great all in one package, where servicing and MOT is included, but as a driver you still are still responsible for basic maintenance of your vehicle.

Leasing An EV Is The Greenest Option When There Is No Viable Alternative
An annual survey of road traffic trends has revealed that there is “no viable alternative” to driving for many road users, and therefore leasing an electric vehicle (EV) is the best option for drivers wanting to reduce their carbon impact and improve vehicle emissions.

DVLA Changes Could Affect Leasing Eligibility
The DVLA has issued a number of changes to its “assessing fitness to drive” guidelines, which could result in motorists losing their licence, being given fines and penalties and could impact your ability to drive, insure or lease a vehicle.

How Does Owning And Running An EV Compare To A Petrol Vehicle?
The pressure to transition to electric vehicles (EVs) from the traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles powered by petrol and diesel is real. But aside from the moral incentive to reduce our carbon impact how do EV and ICE vehicles compare in the other things we most care about?

How Did EVs Perform in 2023?
As 2023 draws to a close, lets take a look at how electric vehicles performed over the last 12 months.

Barbie’s Dream Car or Yours? 5 Best Looking Cars To Drive
If Barbie can speed around in her dream car, then why can’t you? So here’s our rundown of the top five best-looking cars you could be driving…

How To Choose The Best Audi A3 S-Line Lease Deals
The Audi A3 S-Line is the latest example of Audi redefining the term ‘luxury motoring’, with the newest models enabling drivers to enjoy a refined and stylish on-road experience in a compact and affordable vehicle.

Pink Have The Car Leasing Process All Wrapped Up With New Eligibility Checker
We are excited to announce the launch of our new lease finance eligibility checker! Try our new eligibility checker now.

Fact! Women Are The Safest Drivers – Pink Car Leasing Study Confirms
The age-old debate whether men or women are safer drivers has finally been settled thanks to an in-depth survey from Pink Car Leasing.

The Cost Of Living Crisis & The Impact On The Used Car Industry
A recent study by What Car questioned 1232 motorists, and the headline responses were that 36.6% of motorists had been put-off purchasing a new car by the current inflation hikes.

Make Business Car Leasing Work For You In 2022
Business car leasing is the best way to manage your fleet so that the business is minimising costs and carrying as little financial baggage as possible.